Brady Morrison was born on July 26th at 1:01pm (11:01 our time) He was 20.5 inches and 7lbs. 12oz. We are so excited he is here. Brad and Katie seriously have the cutest little boy. I put a few pictures that they sent us on here. As soon as I get better ones I will put them on here. These are hard to see because these are with a camera phone. We just wish we were there to see him NOW! We hate missing out on all this stuff.
We missed out on them telling us Katie was in labor too because we were at the Moore family reunion with no phone reception. We were so upset. We thought we missed Brady's birth by like 2 days, but we only missed it by a couple hours.
It was so cute listening to Brett and Brad share their first daddy stories together on the phone. I just wish we lived closer so they could do it in person. I know Brett misses him a ton.
Congratulations Brad and Katie! You have the cutest baby and we know you will be the best parents ever. We can't wait to meet Brady. We love all three of you very much.
I know I have way more to blog about that happened before this, but this is so exciting we had to get it on here. We couldn't wait any longer. We wanted everyone to see our adorable nephew.
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